The home of Resilient Roots, the property includes 7 acres of mature oak/hickory forest, 1.5 acres of wild meadow, and .5 acre of cultivated gardens. We have a variety of habitats, allowing us to accommodate a wide range of medicinal plants and their insect friends.
- meadows of echinacea, butterfly weed, joe pye weed, boneset, lobelia, yarrow and native St. John’s wort
- forest habitats of mayapple, Solomon’s seal, wild yam, pipsissewa, wintergreen, and Monotropa.
- Shade gardens of ginseng, goldenseal, spikenard, blue cohosh, black cohosh, wild ginger, and more!
Currently conservation projects:
- Ongoing management/removal of invasive species, mostly through hand pulling and smothering.
- Planting small plots with goldenseal and ginseng seeds. This is an ongoing test to see how they do when grown from seed since we do not have those species growing here today (and we don’t have ideal soil for them).
- Incorporation of permaculture practices to build soil, conserve water, and encourage a variety of habitats for all life forms

Meet the farm team