A Vision for Holistic Community Wellness

A wellness clinic for all Kentuckians….this is the dream I’ve been sorting through in my head for several years, and its time to commit words to paper and share my dream with the world, in hopes that it will resonate with enough people to make it a reality! 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a healing space a person could visit to meet their wellness needs? A community of practitioners that actually communicated with each other and collaborated on care? And it was affordable? 

Here’s a common example. People often turn to herbs for psychological support – depression, insomnia, etc. And don’t get me wrong, herbs can be extremely healing to the nervous system. But sometimes herbs can’t address the root cause, which may be linked to trauma, but could also be nutrition-related. Wouldn’t it be great if your herbalist, nutritionist, and therapist were all working together to help you heal? And the same place could offer therapy sessions, an herbal apothecary, and perhaps a cooking class? 

One issue that I have with our mainstream medical system is that doctors don’t have enough time to talk to each other to truly collaborate on patient care.  And even more rare is a patient visit that lasts longer than 5-10 minutes…making it impossible to holistically address a person’s health.  

I want to collaborate as a healthcare team, and that includes the person seeking care! Healing often requires an investment of time, both on the part of the practitioner(s) AND the client/patient.  We work together for holistic care that addresses the root cause.

Collaborative wellness clinic

As a practitioner and small business owner, the “sole proprietor” model does not fulfill me. I do my best work in collaboration with other people, and I want to work with my wellness peers to help our communities thrive! 

This is just a small sketch of my big dream. Do you see downfalls to this approach? Does it resonate with you? I would love your feedback! And if you are a practitioner interested in collaborating on this type of model, please contact me!